Clouds! Strange clouds!
Has anyone ever told you that you have your head in the clouds? Good! Welcome. I am Autumn P. Torkorgana, Cloud City Lister Overseer and resident of Cloud Nine [yes, THE Cloud Nine!].
Basically, we have six easily accessable clouds and four that aren't so easy to visit.
Easy Clouds (6)
- Cloud One is our entry way [aka Fog]
- Cloud Two is the main lobby. Mill here as you see fit.
- Cloud Four is the state of C? [I know what it is...but they don't] *Most visited cloud*.
- Cloud Five is the state of FF *Wonderful sports complex!*.
- Cloud Six is the fantasy starting point *Second most visited cloud*.
- Cloud Seven is the destination of interrupted fantasizers.
Not-As-Easy Clouds (2)
- Cloud Eight is the destination of "successful fantasizers."
- Cloud Nine is the state of BL--home of the elated and enchanted listers [the phone directory is almost instantly obsolete. Permanent residents are Mina-Clare Nezwalker and Ashstar; as well as /me, Autumn Petra Torkorgana.]
Not Recommended Clouds (1)
- Cloud Three is clone purgatory [sorta].
Completely Restricted Clouds (1)
- Cloud Ten is the weather cloud. Frequent ice, hail, rain, and snow storms. Trecherous terrain. Thin oxygen. Instantaneous death upon arrival.
Quick Navagation
I don't really have time for a full tour. Just show me the overview.
Sure, I've got time! Let me in and start the tour!
You may want to read the Cloud City Lister Rules and Regulations.
What? You want to live here? Be my guest. No, you'll have to stay at your own house. And you'll have to read the Rules and Regulations before it's official. You'll see why there....
Autumn Petra Torkorgana